FlightCrit Podcast
The FlightCrit Podcast. Sharing the latest education for Prehospital, Emergency, and Critical Care Trasport Professionals. We're passionate about providing the very best education for you, so please join us for the best in Clinical Practice Updates, Board Certification Exam Prep, Test Taking Tips, and much more.
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Because What You Do Matters!
26 episodes
025: Bringing Back The Dead: eCPR w/ Dr. Zack Shinar
In this episode of the podcast, we sit down with Dr. Zack Shinar of the EDECMO Podcast, and co-author of "ECPR AND Resuscitative ECMO," the world's first ECMO CPR textbook.Dr. Shinar is a world-renowned expert on ECPR and resuscitative ...

024: Keeping the Massive PE Patient Alive w/ Dr. Haney Mallemat
In this episode, we're joined by Dr. Haney Mallemat from @critcarenow to discuss the patient with a massive pulmonary embolism and how we need to manage these patients in the acute phase to keep them alive until we can get them to definitive ca...

023 - Antepartum and Postpartum Hemorrhage w/ Ami Bess, BSN, CCRN
Join us for an exciting talk with our friend and colleague Ami Bess, Chief Flight Nurse for UCHealth LifeLine about one of the most unnerving topics in Adult Critical Care Transport - Management of the HROB patient with severe Antepartum & ...

022: TXA and Whole Blood Resuscitation with Dr. Andrew Fisher
In this episode of the podcast, we discuss some new ideas about the use of TXA as well as provide some new insight into the use of Whole Blood Resuscitation.Links to articles mentioned in the podcast coming.

021 - Vent Management: Optimizing Flow w/ Joe Lewis, The Respiratory Coach
In this episode of the podcast Hunter and I sit down with Joe again to discuss the role of optimizing Flow in our mechanically ventilated patients, and how to manipulate this on our vents.We also discuss some of the risks associated wit...

020: Initial Stabilization of the Multi-system Trauma Patient w/ Dr. Jermey Kaswer
In this week's class, we talk with Dr. Jeremy Kaswer, better known as @TacTraumaMD, about his approach to the initial stabilization of the poly-trauma patient.From Assessment to Chest Tubes, Shock Index to REBOA, Dr. Kaswer shares his ex...

019: Endocrine Emergencies: Adrenal Disorders
In this episode of the FlightCrit Podcast Hunter discusses Adrenal Emergencies.

018: The Basics of Chest X-Ray Interpretation
In this episode of the FlightCrit Podcast Hunter introduces the fundamental concepts of interpreting a chest x-ray, an essential skill for all critical care and transport providers to master.This episode relies heavily on the visuals to...

017: Managing the Crashing Heart Failure Patient w/ Dr. Connvissar from "Count Backwards from 10"
In this episode of the FlightCrit Podcast we chat with Dr. David Convissar, Critical Care and Cardiothoracic Anesthesiologist, from "Count Backwards from 10" about his approach to managing the airway of the crashing heart failure patient. ...

016: Lung Compliance and Optimizing PEEP w/ the Respiratory Coach
Mechanical Ventilators, such as the Hamilton T1, ReVel, and ZOLL Z-Vent, are not only vital pieces of equipment used in the ICU and in Critical Care Transport, but they are becoming more popular for use by EMS services for interfacility transpo...

015: Oxygenation, Ventilation, and Driving Pressures
In this episode of the podcast, I'm joined by my co-host Huster as we discuss the physiology of Oxygenation, Ventilation, and Driving Pressures as they related to the Mechanically Ventilated patient.https://academy.flightcrit.com/course...

014: EVDs w/ Hunter Hix
EVDs, External Ventricular Drains. What are they, how are they managed, and what should we know about them if we happen to see one in transport.

013: EPICC Review Week 7 - Shock Index for Improved Trauma Care by Prehospital Resuscitationists
For year EMS providers have relied on certain clinical signs and symptoms to predict clinically unstable trauma patients and the need for emergent transport for definitive surgical care. Commonly EMS providers have used H...

FlightCrit Lecture Series: Ketamine for the Critically Ill Patient
There’s a severe lack of evidence about how to best utilize the drug Ketamine in the out of hospital environment. Any “research” that’s done comes from either the OR, ICU, or if we’re lucky the ED. We’re forced to extrapo...

012 - EPICC Review Week 6: Simplifying Fluid Resuscitation in the Burn Patient
This week on the podcast we're reviewing a lesson from the Burn Section of the EPICC Review Course concerning fluid resuscitation. Listen in as I discuss the most current recommendations from the American Burn Association on the Prehospital an...

011: EPICC Review Week 5: 5 Essential Gas Laws for Air Medical Professionals
Spend any amount of time working in the air medical environment and you'll absolutely hear people talk about the gas laws. In this episode, I discuss what I believe to be the 5 essential gas laws any air medical professional must understand to...

010: EPICC Review Week 4: Flight Stressor - Hypoxia
There are 8 different stressors of flight that you as a Flight Paramedic or Flight Nurse must be familiar with. In this episode of the podcast, I discuss the most important of these flight stressors: hypoxia. I discuss the 4 different t...

009: EPICC Review Week 3: Survival
Being thrust into a survival situation as a result of an accident or unplanned event while on duty can be unnerving, to say the least. But being both mentally and physically prepared for the unexpected can go along way towards making sure we ma...

008: EPICC Review Week 2: CAMTS Review
How many have actually read through the CAMTS standards in preparation for the Flight Paramedic or Critical Care Paramedic exam? My guess is not many. This week, the second week of 52 weeks of EPICC, I dug deep into the n...

007: EPICC Review Week 1: VFR/IFR/IIMC
I’m kicking off a series I’m calling 52 Weeks of EPICC to celebrate completing the EPICC Review Course and its pending approval by the International Board of Speciality Certifications. In this, the first of 52 episodes for 2019, I’m pull...

006: 5 Tips for Rapid 12-Lead ECG Interpretation
In this episode of the podcast, I answer a question from a listener who is a new flight nurse with a background in trauma who’s looking to improve her skills at reading 12-lead ECGs quickly while on a call. Listen i...

005: 5 Lessons Learned From My First Surgical Airway
Prehospital Surgical Airways: The Truth Behind the Procedure. Very few paramedics have ever actually performed a surgical airway on a patient. In the past 15 years, I've met only a handful of param...

004: 10 Tips For Surviving Your First Year As A Flight Paramedic
From surviving your orientation phase to making it through your first year on the job, these tips will make the process of becoming a flight paramedic a lot easier. So you’ve landed (pardon the pun) a new job as a F...